"Si amas nuestra música y a Trump, eres un hipócrita": Serj Tankian de System of a Down

"Si amas nuestra música y a Trump, eres un hipócrita": Serj Tankian de System of a Down

A raíz de las protestas anti-racismo, el movimiento Black Lives Matter por la muerte de George Floyd y otros afrodescendientes en Estados Unidos en los últimos años, y el derribamiento de ciertas figuras colonizadoras inmortalizadas en estatuas, se ha avivado la discusión sobre tomar postura política acerca de lo que pasa en el mundo y no mantenerse en la comodidad de la indiferencia, pero esto no sólo en cuestiones económicas o políticas, sino también en el arte y, por supuesto, en la música. 

Un ejemplo es lo que ha sucedido con las diferencias políticas entre el baterista John Dolmayan y el vocalista, Jerj Tankian de System Of A Down. La postura de ambos acerca del presidente Donald Trump y sus políticas han generado revuelo en redes sociales.

Jerj Tankian escribió en su cuenta de Instagram la letra de un demo de los primeros años del grupo llamado “Temper”. El post iba acompañado de una llamada de atención por parte del músico: “Si te gusta esta canción y amas a Donald Trump, eres un hipócrita”.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

A very early @systemofadown song that was on one of our demos-lyrics below: if you love this song or play along to it and love Trump, you’re a hypocrite-just a simple fact :) "Temper" We want peace with Patriot missiles, Blown to bits are civilian targets, Parade! Laugh! Rejoice! Sing! We’re the victors of...nothing, Spend more money on a war, Your people starving, turned to whores, Slaves of the chosen one paying millions for each bomb, Country without a race , Formed from people you disgrace , White right conservative might , Killers of Kennedy's with no fright , The American way! Freedom cried the marching man, Flags ripped out of their black hands , Beaten! Slain! Tortured! Killed! Their only mistake was being born here , Invade countries just for oil , Send your troops all down to boil , Iraq! Grenada! Nam and Chile! Truman doctrine our own way , Country without a race , Formed from people you disgrace , White right conservative might , Killers of Kennedy's with no fright , The American way! The Government (FBI-CIA) here can suck my balls , Policing the world in overalls , Armed rebellion minority , Disrespected race, color, mind , Crazed loonies all walk the streets , Missing children on milk cartons , Mother selling child for crack , Mr. President check your back , Country without a race , Formed from people you disgrace, White right conservative might , Killers of Kennedy's with no fright , The American way! The American way! The American way!

Una publicación compartida de Serj Tankian (@serjtankian) el

A principios de junio de 2020, Dolmayan también publicó en su cuenta de Instagram que “Donald Trump era el mejor amigo de las minorías”. El músico también expresó que sus mensajes van dirigidos a "los silenciosos que piensan que están solos en un mundo donde sus pensamientos son extraños o incorrectos".

Esperamos que estas declaraciones no causen algún roce personal entre la banda y encuentren la forma de construir diálogo entre sus seguidores y el mundo de las redes sociales.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

The reason I post my opinions on this forum and open myself up to attack and ridicule is for you , the silent ones who think they are alone in a world where their thoughts are alien or wrong. You’re not alone , millions are with you. For those of you who think you are coming from a morally superior position therefore any differing opinion or viewpoint is invalid think again. It’s the easy path to think like you , it’s in their best self interests for celebrities and politicians to support you but you will lose in the end because you are the very thing you pretend to fight against. The true fascist, the true bigots hidden in plain sight from the same party who fought to maintain slavery , Jim Crow , non voting rights for women , and who are directly responsible for 70 plus million abortions ,a large majority of whom were black. You don’t want free speech , you can’t handle free speech because you are cowards and need to be herded along with the rest of the sheep. I’m lucky , I’m in an industry where you CAN be honest about your views wherever they fall with little to no repercussions. I don’t rely on a movie studio , label , media or anyone else who will bow down to pandering political correctness and am in no danger whatsoever of “ losing my job” because you don’t like what I have to say . This is a dangerous time where free thought and speech is under attack but it will pass , the next generation is watching as they always do and they will overcome your insanity. Oh , happy birthday President Trump and good luck in November!

Una publicación compartida de John Dolmayan (@johndolmayan_) el

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