De la inspiración a la experimentación: entrevista a Patrick Watson

A pesar de haber comenzado en solitario, Patrick Watson es desde el 2003, una banda de folk experimental que se presentará el día 9 de marzo en el Lunario del Auditorio Nacional.  

De Love Songs for Robots, su último disco, The Walking Dead, así como la inspiración vista metafóricamente como peces, hablamos previo a su presentación.


SM: Hello, Patrick, How are you?

PW: Hi! How are you? And very thanks.

SM: It’s awesome to speak to you at least on the phone.

PW: I told if I go to go to studio. It will be faster.

SM: It would it be great. But it awesome to have you here in Mexico, is your first time

PW: In México City, yes.

SM: Ok. How are we treating you?

PW: So far it´s super great, great dinner, the people are super nice, it´s great, easy. Diego is terrible. Help, help!

SM: I know, Diego is terrible, he is been like that since college. Since forever. Let us translate everything you said and back and ask you something else

SM: Patrick, Love Songs for Robots, are you gonna play that tomorrow?

PW: Yes, I will.

SM: How is your set gonna be like? I know that you know as musicians you sometimes used weird instruments or sources for sounds, like a bicycle or spoons. Are you gonna have anything weird on stage.

PW: I didn´t bring a bicycle as is, It´s a pretty special show, it depends of the room, whenever we get to the show, we get to the room, the show kind of changes to what the room is though i think judging on how the audience feels is pretty much how the show will kind of react to it but it goes from being really quiet to really crazy, you know, it´s that kind of show. I mean it´s a lot more energetic than the  record is, so like thats one thing, like  most people prefer the live show

SM:Can i translate that, just a sec, you´re live so we can hear you speak

SM: And now that you said people like watching you live because it´s very different from records as a band or as a musician, maybe just you, what do you like to do more, be on studio, or to be on tour?

PW: oh, that an  impossible answer. They are two different things. Sometimes been in studio it’s quite a magical thing because you just kind of in a soundworld …….you can inventing things and then when youre doing a show youre sharing a special moment with people so i think , theyre both super diferent but i like them equially theyre just very different you know, you cant compare them, but i mean lets face it musice is meant to be played live, more than a recording thats just music to share with people so obviously playing shows you get to share music with poeple and thats obviously  why you  play music to begin with.

SM: As a songwriter, what´s the weirdest source of inspiration you´ve come across. I can imagine I came up with the song listening to this

PW: Oh god that´s a though question, you got me, hold on, the weirdest inspiration for a song, whew… i don´t know what to tell you, i mean it´s always is kind of like these strange dreams, i mean depending on how the songs are written, some songs are really easy and they find you some songs you have like a musical idea and then you work for a long time to find it, every song has a super diferent kind of feature different types of songs that you find, like fish,  you always have to go fishing and every once in a while you catch like a really big fish and most times you catch a really small fish….

SM:and you have to watch them go…

PW: Yeah, but you know sometimes you start playing a song as if it was already written you don´t know why but you know the lyrics you know the melody of course, and some songs you have to really look hard to find it, they´re kind of strange that way.

SM: Just one last question, are you a fan of the walking dead since...

PW: Originally what happended we made that sone threee years before they relseased it like a demo for them to use on the show. I was already a fans of the walking dead


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